Monday, February 23, 2009

New pics from this season

Heres a few fresh pics from this season of dan and dave ripin'

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Arts N' Crafts with Dan Brown

1 Take out seat foam and mark out where you want your grab holes and how you want your grab hole to look ( do the exact same on both sides of the seat.)

2 Get a long knife and cut the chunk of foam out.

3 I used sliders for my grab bars , that way when you have hard landings and hit the seat you don't wreck your back. So what you want to do is take your two sliders and bolt them the front of your seat base. Then cut out two small slots threw the back of your seat foam and stick the other two ends of the sliders through . Bolt them to the back of your seat base.

4 So now that you have slider were you sit down, you want get some flexible plastic, and foam to make a little sitting pad to bolt onto the sliders. ( Don't make the sitting pad to thick or it will make it harder to grip doing seat grabs)

5 Now that you have the main freestyle seat frame ready, tape everything nice and tight. This way it moulds rounded corners and prevents the foam from shifting.

6 It is now time to put on the seat cover. Put on the seat cover and staple it down to the seat base like usual. Once that is done feel where your grab hole is and make slits so that you can fold the seat cover into your grab hole and out of the way. ( I bolted wood on the bottom of my seat base so I could staple the seat cover flaps to it.)

7. It’s a good idea to put grip tape on the underside of the sliders, that way your hands don't slip when you grab it.

Well, I hope this gives you guys an idea on how to make a safe and clean freestyle seat, go huck yourself off some ramps and get those seat grabs dialed!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Superkicker break in

Last weekend was the official superkicker break in and things went pretty smooth. Danny and Dave stepped up and got it dialed pretty quick. The whole ramp portion of the compound is up and running and a little snocross section is in the works. Now all we need is some sunny days and we will be all set.

Monday, December 8, 2008

New superkicker/ Old gangster

Muskoka is getting hammered with snow and things are definatly lookin' good. The new superkicker is done and ready to be broken in next weekend. Dan put some serious arts and crafts time into makin it look pretty. This behemoth sure dwarfs the comp ramp.

The crew would also like to thank RSI racing ( for stepping up and helping us out this season. We are pretty pumped to rock the best bars in the industry this season!

Things are lookin good from the filming end of things also as Curr films is now runnin' a full HD camera setup this season.

On a totally unrelated note, while heading up north we ran into THE Original Gangster himself. Every rapper seems to claim they are the O.G, well this guys prolly been cappin fools since ww1. Note his iced out hat and wifes dyed hair...keepin it real yo!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Back riding

Things are rolling along, superkicker is almost done and Dan and Dave have been makin' the best of the 3 inches of November snow. Unfortunatly everything froze up like concrete so the session was cut short. Hopefully we get some more snow soon!

We get a lot of emails and questions about sled setup, ramps and certain tricks so we are going to start throwing up some write ups in the next few weeks. Dan will put together a little run-down of how he made his iq seat grab-able. If your lucky he may even explain how he makes his own graphics with duct tape. Look out for Danny's arts and crafts hour commin' soon.
On another note check out the coverage Yamaha rider Jeff Mullin has been getting over on his own new web site . Mullin has to be the most dedicated rider in the sport and is finally getting the recognition he deserves.

Friday, November 14, 2008

RampAge News

RampAge Freeride's news page is finally up and running. The plan is to post on here weekly updating whats goin on with the crew.

Winter is on it's way and things are starting to come together, 2 new ramps are in the works and the new landings are almost done. Danny Brown has been out practicing on the wood chips getting back into rampin' mode after a back injury that kept him outta action. Dave is also getting back into action this weekend.

If everything goes as planned Dave and Dan will be riding in the Jack n' Jills motorsports open house at the end of the month. Other show dates are also in the works so we will try to keep everyone posted. If you have any comments or questions drop us a line at